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Psoriasis Treatment in Ayurvedic

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Psoriasis Treatment in Ayurvedic


Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disease that causes irritation and redness on the surface of the skin. People suffering from psoriasis generally have thick reddish colored skin with silver white flaky patches known as scales. Psoriasis may be mild, moderate or severe based on factors such as total area of the affected skin, activity of the disease, response to therapies and impact on the patient’s health. It occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious.[1] There are five types of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic.. Plaque is the most common form of psoriasis and is characterized by white and red scaly patches on the topmost layer of the skin. Plaque psoriasis generally affects the elbows and knees but may also be seen on the palms, feet, scalp and genitals. This is a chronic skin condition that may either be seen on some parts of the body or may cover the entire body. Even the nails on the fingers and toes can get affected by this form of psoriasis.
In plaque psoriasis, skin rapidly accumulates at these sites, which gives it a silvery-white appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect any area, including the scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and genitals. In contrast to eczema, psoriasis is more likely to be found on the outer side of the joint.
The disorder is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity from minor localized patches to complete body coverage. Fingernails and toenails are frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be seen as an isolated symptom. Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, which is known as psoriatic arthritis. Between 10% and 40% of all people with psoriasis have psoriatic arthritis.
Erythrodermic psoriasis on the other hand is characterized by an exfoliation and inflammation of the skin all over the body. Patients affected by this form of psoriasis often experience pain, swelling and severe itching.
Causes for Psoriasis Psoriasis is caused by an abnormal response of the immune system which results in inflammation. Even though this condition is not contagious, it could be aggravated by certain factors such as changes in the climate, infections, skin diseases or injuries, excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, sun exposure, anxiety or stress and certain medications. There are also a number of factors that can increase the risk of developing psoriasis.
People who drink excessive alcohol and have chronic smoking habits are always more at higher risk of developing conditions like psoriasis.
A family history of psoriasis or skin diseases can increase a person’s chances of getting this disease himself. People who suffer from HIV/AIDS and cancer have a weak immune system and often fall prey to some form of psoriasis. Those who live in cold and dry climatic conditions are also more prone to psoriasis. Those who have unhealthy eating habits are also at a higher risk of getting psoriasis because bad food can directly impact immunity and pave the way for various skin conditions including psoriasis. An unhealthy diet can give rise to respiratory infections which in turn can cause psoriasis.
Stressful life situations such as death in the family, divorce, unhealthy relations within the family and job changes could be some of the other causes of psoriasis.

Tips to get rid of Psoriasis
• Do not bath too much. Always dry your body with soft clean towel after bath.
• Try reducing your fat intake and other animal proteins and sugars.
• It will be beneficiary for the patient if he is taken to bath in sea water.
• Avoiding extreme temperatures.
• Avoiding skin injuries and infections.
• Avoiding excessive picking or scratching of the skin.
• Avoiding anxiety and stress, which can only make the condition worse.
• Avoiding medications including lithium and beta blockers that can worsen psoriasis symptoms.
• Limiting or avoiding excessive smoking and alcohol consumption.
• Psoriasis patients should follow a daily diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, protein sources like chicken, fish, legumes and pulses, fiber rich foods like whole wheat products, grains, nuts and seeds and healthy oils like olive oil.
• It is always preferable to avoid processed foods, red meats, saturated fats, refined sugars and high carbohydrate products.

Symptoms for Psoriasis The onset of psoriasis may be slow or sudden varying from person to person.
• The most visible symptom of psoriasis is inflamed red patches of skin that can generally be seen on the trunk, knees and elbows, but may also appear on other parts of the body. These pink or red patches of skin could be dry, itchy, thick and raised with silver flaky scales.
• Other symptoms of psoriasis include joint pain, genital lesions in the case of men,
• changes in the color and texture of the nails and severe scalp dandruff.
• Day to day functions like walking and sleeping can also get disrupted by the pain and itching caused by psoriasis.
• Conditions like eczema may also have similar symptoms

Home remedies
• Drink one bowl of Cabbage soup everyday. It is an effective home remedy for Psoriasis.
• To cure Psoriasis cover a fresh thin banana leaf on the affected part.
• Buttermilk has proved useful in psoriasis and the patient should drink it in liberal quantities.
• Mix a cup of freshly prepared bitter gourd juice with a tsp of limejuice. Drink this mixture every day, on an empty stomach, for 4 to 5 days.
• Hot Epsom salt bath is used to treat psoriasis. Apply olive oil after the Epsom salt bath. It will prove beneficial in curing psoriasis.
• Take powdered Fuller's earth and add enough water to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area, let it dry and rinse off. It will help remove toxins from your skin. Its proved beneficiary in curing Psoriasis.
• Neem tree has anti-bacterial properties in itself. Use its leaves or bark as it will help in fighting against psoriasis.
• Having bath in seawater is also effective cure for psoriasis. Apply some seawater over the patches to get relief from the itching and the pain.
• Vitamin D is very good for your body. The best source of vitamin D is early morning sunrays. Hence early morning sit in such pace where lots of sunrays will fall on your body.
• Take some fresh cabbage leaves and wash them with cold water. Remove the thick veins form the cabbage leaves and then apply them over the affected skin part. This is one of the very effective home remedies for psoriasis.
• Vitamin E is also very effective in preventing psoriasis form occurring. Hence include such food items in your menu that are rich source of vitamin E.
• Applying oil of cashew nuts is also effective in the treatment of psoriasis.
• Take on cup of olive oil and add two drops of calendula oil in it. Also add one drop of oregano oil. And massage your body with this oil mixture. Mainly those parts of the skin that has patches of psoriasis.
• Add one teaspoon of wheat germ oil and one teaspoon of castor oil in one cup of sunflower oil. This mixture can be used as lotion for your body and applied twice in a day.
• Marigold is also very effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Take about four marigold heads and boil them in four cups of water. Allow it to cool and then apply it over the affected body parts. This is very safe to apply on the scalp also, as it causes no damage to hair.
• Chandan ka shrbat with rose water.take thrice a day its very effective
• Cover a fresh thin banana leaf on the affected part.its effective
• Must have butter mil it helps 2

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